Welcome to Summer Session at Kazoo! We are so happy to be able to spend time with your child/ren. Here are all of the logistics for a successful time.
Bring - Please clearly label all items!
Water bottle
Extra clothing - underwear, socks, shirt, bottoms
Rain and sun gear
Extra masks
Bug spray - ticks are plentiful this year
Sun block - spray only, creams will not be applied by staff
Lunch for full day friends - PEANUT AND TREE NUT FREE
Swimsuit and towel for spontaneous water play
For those kids who rely on tree nuts and peanuts for protein, we have a separate eating space.
Drop-off & pick-up are along Cherry Street by the pavilions. Please look for the person with the clipboard and check in with them. We will then direct each child to their teacher.
Morning Session is 9:00 - 12:30
Afternoon Session is 1:00 - 4:30
Full Day runs 9:00 - 4:30
Early Day begins as early as 8:00
Photos We use a private app called Homeroom to share pictures of all the fun things we are doing. You will receive an invite via email prior to your child(ren)’s week of camp.
Lightning and heavy rain will be what sends us inside. Each indoor classroom will have lots of ventilation with open windows, fans, and air purifiers.