Kazoo School will be closed January 21st due to inclement weather.
Kazoo School will be closed January 21st due to inclement weather.
Kazoo School will be closed January 21st due to inclement weather.
Fundraiser for the 8th grade trip and the PA.
Fundraiser for the 8th grade trip and the PA.
Fundraiser for the 8th grade trip and the PA.
Friendship day celebration!
Mid-Winter Break, Vacation Day Offered
Mid-Winter Break, Vacation day offered
Fundraiser for the 8th grade trip and the PA.
Middle Schoolers share they projects with the community!
Get an update on your child’s progress. Sign up with your child’s teacher.
Get an update on your child’s progress. Sign up with your child’s teacher.
Theme: TBD
Participants will enjoy themed activities. Cost is $40 per child.
Extended day will run as usual.
We have invited alumni back to share about their experiences post Kazoo.
A great day to take a deep breath and do science experiments that benefit the world.
Look for details in the Community Update!
We will be celebrating this year’s graduates… look for dates and details in the Community Update!
Participants will enjoy themed activities. Cost is $20 per child.
Extended day will run as usual.
We have school! Each basegroup will do an act of service for the community.
Kazoo School will be closed January 20th due to inclement weather.
Fundraiser for the 8th grade trip and the PA.
Vacation Days are offered throughout the school year on days that regular school is not in session. Vacation days begin at 7:45am and last until 3:15pm. Extended Day and late day are also available on these days. Each Vacation Day will have a theme, the theme will be shared through the weekly Community update. Parents can sign up for Vacation Days in the office. The cost for full-day $40. Look to the community update for sign up information.
Vacation Days are offered throughout the school year on days that regular school is not in session. Vacation days begin at 7:45am and last until 3:15pm. Extended Day and late day are also available on these days. Each Vacation Day will have a theme, the theme will be shared through the weekly Community update. Parents can sign up for Vacation Days in the office. The cost for full-day $40. Look to the community update for sign up information.
Vacation Days are offered throughout the school year on days that regular school is not in session. Vacation days begin at 7:45am and last until 3:15pm. Extended Day and late day are also available on these days. Each Vacation Day will have a theme, the theme will be shared through the weekly Community update. Parents can sign up for Vacation Days in the office. The cost for full-day $40. Look to the community update for sign up information.
Vacation Days are offered throughout the school year on days that regular school is not in session. Vacation days begin at 7:45am and last until 3:15pm. Extended Day and late day are also available on these days. Each Vacation Day will have a theme, the theme will be shared through the weekly Community update. Parents can sign up for Vacation Days in the office. The cost for full-day $40. Look to the community update for sign up information.
Vacation Days are offered throughout the school year on days that regular school is not in session. Vacation days begin at 7:45am and last until 3:15pm. Extended Day and late day are also available on these days. Each Vacation Day will have a theme, the theme will be shared through the weekly Community update. Parents can sign up for Vacation Days in the office. The cost for full-day $40. Look to the community update for sign up information.
Vacation Days are offered throughout the school year on days that regular school is not in session. Vacation days begin at 7:45am and last until 3:15pm. Extended Day and late day are also available on these days. Each Vacation Day will have a theme, the theme will be shared through the weekly Community update. Parents can sign up for Vacation Days in the office. The cost for full-day $40. Look to the community update for sign up information.
No School, Records Day. Vacation Day is offered.
The Winter Shoppe gives Kazoo School students the opportunity to shop for holiday gifts for their families.
The Winter Shoppe gives Kazoo School students the opportunity to shop for holiday gifts for their families.
Fundraiser for the 8th grade trip and the PA.
Participants will enjoy themed activities. Cost is $40 per child.
Extended day will run as usual.
We will celebrate Halloween at school on October 31 at 2:00 p.m. with our annual Costume Runway on the field followed by a caramel apple bar sponsored by the Parent Association. Students are invited to bring their costumes to school on that day and will change into them before the celebration begins. Parents are invited to attend the celebration.
Get an update on your child’s progress. Sign up with your child’s teacher.
Get an update on your child’s progress. Sign up with your child’s teacher.
Students get a day off and teachers have an opportunity to learn more about how to meet the needs of all students.